Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Economic Development

The Starting Point

Cleveland has a strong history of innovation in manufacturing dating back to the 1800's. Over the years they have become home to one of the world’s leading medical centers and five Fortune 1000 company headquarters spanning the finance, advanced manufacturing and food science industries. Cleveland has a lot to talk about and a lot to be proud of.

Our Solution

Over the years, life has happened, and Cleveland has faced its challenges. To help them continue to pursue the messaging and progress they are working towards, we focused heavily on the theme of a city working together to achieve a better life for business and families alike. Progress is happening, so we created an online presence that allows them to share that story and continue to push forward towards a brighter future.

Screenshot of Cleveland's search page
Cleveland's skyline buidlings at night

The Website

This new site seeks to showcase the best of what is happening across the city and the unity and diversity they are working to achieve together. Shout out to Localintel, an great company we worked with for this project. Their data visualization tools truly tell the Cleveland story in a new and vibrant way. We integrated these tools on pages like Demographics and Workforce throughout the site. Success Stories, our new Major Employers tool, and vibrant visuals throughout the site bring the Cleveland story to life like never before.

Cleveland's website on all platforms
Demographic information from Cleveland's site on a mobile device
Cleveland's demographic page on a woman's computer
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